October 27 2021  |  Airlines & Airports

Aviation industry welcomes ICAO declaration

By Laura Shirk

Airports group ACI World has welcomed the adoption of a declaration by ministerial participants of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) High-level Conference (HLCC) on Covid-19 which supports aviation’s long-term resilience and sustainability.

During the conference on October 22, 2021, key aviation industry stakeholders – including ACI World, CANSO, IATA, IBAC, ICCAIA, IFALPA and IFATCA – presented a joint industry statement welcoming and endorsing the commitment by ministers to ensure sustained operations and the provision of essential air services while safeguarding fair competition, as well as taking measures to restore international connectivity and support the revival of the global economy.

The joint statement also called on governments to take action to implement risk-based, pragmatic approaches such as mutual recognition of vaccines and interoperable solutions for proof of health status, and to be guided by ICAO’s work to provide direction for the evolution of risk management measures as the pandemic retreats or becomes endemic.

ACI World, along with industry partners, pledged to continue to provide support towards building long-term resilience through the enhancement of crisis response capabilities, commitment to long-term climate goals, and supporting the outcomes of the facilitation and safety technical streams of the HLCC.

“ACI has had an impactful presence at the HLCC advocating on behalf of our member airports and the whole aviation community,” said ACI World Director General Luis Felipe de Oliveira. “The outcomes of the discussions and conference conclusions in the Safety and Facilitation streams will help with the continued recovery of the aviation industry and drive improvements in the overall levels of safety of the aviation ecosystem.

“Collaboration between ICAO and industry has been a cornerstone of the industry’s restart, as seen by the efforts of the ICAO Council Aviation Recovery Taskforce (CART). The Ministerial Declaration and the joint industry statement underline the shared commitment of industry and States to the long-term resilience and sustainability of the aviation ecosystem and ACI applauds and supports ICAO’s leadership in this regard. We call on ICAO and governments to implement the recommendations from the conference and to report on the progress at the 41st ICAO Triennial Assembly.”

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