June 8 2020  |  Retailers

Lotte Duty Free introduces smart work system

By Mary Jane Pittilla

Lotte Duty Free’s smart video conferencing system aims to maximize efficiency

Lotte Duty Free CEO Lee Gap has announced that the company is building a non-face-to-face business environment in preparation for the post-coronavirus era.

It plans to switch to a “smart work” system through the introduction of video conferencing and telecommuting.

Lotte Duty Free introduced a smart video conferencing system in March when the spread of COVID-19 began in earnest.

The retailer aims to maximize work efficiency through smooth communication between overseas branches and offices, as well as domestic branches located in Seoul Lotte Gimpo, Seoul, Gimpo, Busan, Gimhae, and Jeju.

An official at Lotte Duty Free said: “We are conducting non-face-to-face countermeasure meetings to respond to the post-coronavirus situation at any time.”

In addition, Lotte Duty Free will conduct telecommuting for employees at the head office. The division is divided into four groups, which alternate one week at a time in telecommuting.

In March, Lotte Duty Free used the telecommuting system as a test opportunity to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and build a smart work system environment. Approximately 25% of the employees at Lotte Duty Free's headquarters will now take part in regular telecommuting.

Promoting employee efficiency

Lotte Duty Free will also proceed with the dualization of the office space at head office, starting on June 8. The plan is to reduce the work density by providing a separate work space outside the head office, so that approximately 20% of the office workers work outside. At the same time, social distancing in the office is carried out by adjusting the seats to ensure the maximum separation between office workers.

Lotte Duty Free plans to maintain the head office staffing at up to 55% of previous levels through regularization of telecommuting and dualization of office space to promote the efficiency of employees and improve the office work environment.

“The transition to the Smart Work system is no longer an option,” said Joo-Nam Kim, Director of Management Support, Lotte Duty Free. “I plan to prepare for it.”

Additionally, since February, Lotte Duty Free has been trying to minimize employee risk and work congestion by expanding work options, such as introducing telecommuting for pregnant women and those with children who need childcare, and expanding the flexible and selective work systems.

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